Green and G

The last few weeks have been a mad whirl of dyeing skeins of yarn for Wonderwool, which we're going to this weekend.  I've been telling people for years that my favourite colour is purple, so I was a little surprised at how much green dye I was getting through.  It seems I have a penchant for green, as well as purples.  My favourite though, was the rainbow gradient I dyed for the new Bifrost Kit I've designed.  A few photos below for your viewing pleasure.  I'll be running some dyeing experience days in the summer.  Get in touch if you fancy having a go at dyeing your own yarn.

This week's letter is below.  See here for more detailed instructions.

I'll be shattered next week after the show so next weeks offering may be a day or to late.

dyeing sock blanks for gradient yarn

gradient in a little scrummy ball

Bifrost Necklace
Beaker Button Sparkle on the shop shelves

autumn colours drying

yarn for Eve bracelet about to be wound

Kettle dyed River Bottom

Flock of mini skeins

G, unblocked

This week's chart


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