Felting Fairies and F

Some of you will know that Beaker Button has hosted two fabulous Felted Fairies workshops with Erica from Arts, Rush and Cane.  As this week is an F week I thought I'd share a little about the felting fairies experience.

First I want to make clear this is not a felting tutorial.  It's merely me showing off our fairies.
Erica is a brilliant teacher.  She has a knack for making you feel like things are going well, even when she's telling you what you've done wrong.  The fairies we've made are needle felted, and what's great about the class is that you learn several techniques which can be used for all sorts of felting projects.  Erica makes fantastic kits for felting your own fairies as well.  They're £14 and have everything you need including needles and foam.  We have 3 in stock at the moment.  Have a look below at the models for them.

Your chart for this week is at the bottom of the blog.  Full instructions are here.

We start with this
merino tops, dyed locks, threads, felting needles and foam
Sea fairy
and end up with these (both mine).

Snowdrop fairy

What amazes me is the variety of styles in each class.
Our first class

Flower Fairies in March

Fairies kit

This week's chart.


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