I finished the rib, hurray

As you can probably guess from the title of this post, I finished the rib on the Fair Isle top.  I'm very pleased with the way it's turning out.  I've got used to having the wool over two fingers, and making sure one always goes over the top of the other.  It looks very neat if I do say so myself.

pretty rib

first line of pattern

I knitted my first row of pattern, while watching Con Air (I'd forgotten how dreadful a film it was).  I got to the end of the row and had four too many stitches, which puzzled me for a moment.  I shrugged philosophically and knitted them together so I had the right amount of stitches, then I carried on with my second row.  And then half way round the row I noticed my first mistake, inevitably.  I'm blaming the film for the lack of concentration.  Normally I would just drop the stitches down and pick them back up and fix the mistake.  Of course I didn't know how to do that in Fair Isle so I dutifully unpicked the second row, and half the first row, fixing the mistake.

the first mistake

Then I continued on my merry way to the end of the first row,and what do you know, I had even more stitches left over than before.  At this point I smelt a rat.  Had I started the pattern in the wrong place, or cast on too many stitches perhaps?  I double checked my cast on stitches (easy with a colourful 2 x 2 rib at least) and that was OK.  Then I re-read the instructions for the first line of pattern, which is an increase line...yes, I was supposed to increase every 15 stitches as I knitted the first line.  So I unpicked it again, breathing deeply  and thinking calming thoughts.  The last time I got it right.  It took me 2 hours of really awful film to knit two lines.  On the plus side....no there really isn't a plus side.

The moral of the story?  Double check the pattern every time you start a new bit, and keep reminding yourself you do it because you love it!

the second unpick


  1. Of course there's a plus side - in fact there are two!

    You have managed to knit the first row the way it should be, plus another row besides...AND

    The awful film has finished!

  2. yes, you're right. And I never have to watch it again, ever.
    Actually I'm nearly finished on the first pattern repeat, which I'll post soon, and that's working out nicely. :-)


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