Knitting in the cold is a doddle with my new mittens, hurrah

I had to leave my shop for two whole days (please image that sentence spoken in a whinging accent) this weekend.  My Mum ran things instead, and a very good job she did too.  Although it was slightly disconcerting to come into the shop this afternoon and discover the mess she'd been making with our new drum carder.  On the other hand we now have some beautiful art batts for sale!  The reason I had to leave my shop for two days was the Appleshaw School fair, which went ok, despite the cramp in my arm from the huge amount of crochet I did, and the Andover Farmers Market, where we met lots of very nice people wanting yarn and workshops and fleece and all the other lovely things we do.  So it was worth missing the shop for to days I guess.  I did learn that my mittens, which I'd designed for the Christmas kits we're selling, are fantastic for knitting outside, because they leave the fingers free but keep the whole hand warm.  I'll have to keep a pair in my project bag now that winter is coming on!


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