Wonderwool 2015 and H

Apologies for the delay in getting this post out.  I've been a little under the weather, having wrecked my shoulder.  Knitting has been a little difficult.  I'm on the mend now though so no more stalling.  This week I thought I'd share some my highlights of Wonderwool 2015.  We had a fantastic show and met (and infected) lots of new button makers.  I taught two button classes this year in the Wool school, which was great fun.  We sold lots of kits, wool, mini skeins and patterns.  I did managed to come home with a fabulous new pair of trousers from Elegant Chaos, so I didn't buy any wool. Below are some of the beautiful things at the show so I'll shut up and let the photos do the talking.

This week's letter is below.  As always detailed instructions are here.

Giant Cardigan by Lisa Hellier

Giant Cardigan by Lisa Hellier

Giant Cardigan by Lisa Hellier

Giant Cardigan by Lisa Hellier

Knitted Ginger Bread house by Alison Murray

Sheep from the Knitted Ginger Bread house 

Knitted Ginger Bread man

Knitted Ginger Bread house inside

Elaine making buttons

soul food!

Haze Miles with her beautiful button necklace.  My pattern, her own woven ribbon

my new trousers

Elegant Chaos stall

Sunday's class

What they made (clever aren't they!)

This week's letter

This week's chart


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