A Quest for Fair Isle -Rookie Mistake

I have been having a whale of a time with my Fair Isle project.  I'm finding that knitting with two strands in your hand is easier than I thought it would be, and there is a little frisson of interest every time you have to change colour (yes I know I need to get out more).

I've even experimented with having the wool in either hand although I find that my left handed knitting technique leaves a lot to be desired and the tension is tighter for the left knitted stitches.  At the moment I prefer holding the wool in my right hand with the first colour over my index finger (this is the purling finger for me in rib) and the second over my middle finger.  My tension appears even and all is looking good.

 And then, 10 rows in, I realise that the twist in the work isn't the normal twist you get when there are only a few rows on the needle.  It is in fact a twist!  I am knitting the Mobius Fair Isle Slipover.  After much deliberation, and swearing, and crying I decided bugger it.  The top was for me and I didn't care.  I was not going to unpick everything and start again.  So I dropped a stitch at the side all the way down to the cast on and straightened the work out, putting the twist in the threads where I'd dropped the stitch.  There is a big lump which I'm going to ignore.  I'm sure it will be fine.  After all everyone will be looking at the lovely Fair Isle design stretched over my ample bust, not at the peculiar lump in the hem.  They will won't they?


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