a crafty cat and blessed chickens

I've attached photos of some of February's toy competition entries, because they are so fabulous.  The winner was Sarah with her teddies, one of which was knitted in Tufton yarn, locally produced and beautiful to work with.  Sarah took her book and is hopefully producing lots more teddies.  The crafty cat came from Hazel, who knitted him in Noro from her own pattern.  I'm trying to persuade her to write the pattern down so we can all make one.  Shirley made chickens and bears.  I especially like the expressions on the chickens faces.  I have a funny story about chickens.  A friend of mine, who we'll call Belinda, has chickens and one of them (Mary) sadly died recently.  Belinda likes to bury her pets (and the chickens are definitely pets!) where they were happiest.  A worthy sentiment, except that Mary was happiest in Belinda's next door neighbour's garden.  Have you ever tried to bury a chicken in your next door neighbour's garden in the dead of night in the middle of winter!?  The things you do for friends.  We spent the entire time waiting for the flashing blue lights, wondering how we'd explain ourselves.  I suppose we could have said we were practising voodoo.  In the end we weren't caught and I have happy visions of Mary running round the garden eating ghostly worms and thoroughly enjoying the afterlife.  I'm dreading the death of the shire horse though.


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