The Ostomy Lifestyle Craft Fair

We had our craft fair today.  Although there were very few people who came to shop I managed to make the £100 I needed for the fair.  Some of that was kind donations from people with stalls, some came from the raffle and some from all the tea and coffee people drank.  I did get some interest in the studio and gave out several fliers.  I've had one lady who has asked to be put on the mailing list already, which is fabulous.  I also got the contract for the studio today and can't wait to get in there.  Not long now I know.  I'm trying not to be to frustrated.  I just have to keep reminding myself that I have less than two months at Stonehenge and then I'm going to be doing something incredible, and it will be all mine!!!, well and Mum's of course.

Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming


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