Flower Button Ring, just in time for Mother's Day!
I've been meaning to post this tutorial for a while, and this morning as I was lazing in bed I thought 'Ah ha, I could post that Ring tutorial for Mother's Day!' So here it is. Plus I get to use it as a blatant plug for our spankingly brand new button yarn, hand painted in my kitchen! P.S. we have rings on our website if you can't find any ;-) Thank you to Noelle for modelling the finished ring. Flower button ring tutorial. Materials 1 brass ring about 1.5cm across, approximately 2m of Beaker Button hand painted button yarn , blunt ended needle, scissors. Materials There are four stages to making a Dorset Button on a ring. Casting, Slicking, Laying and Rounding. Change the amount of petals by varying the amount of spokes. Remember that you must have an even number of spokes. Casting Have a length of yarn approximately 2m long. Tie the yarn round the ring in a single knot, leavin...