Winter plans and a free hat pattern

I'm making my first New Years resolution early this year. I feel very much that I neglect my blog, and having been told by several people that they do actually read it (Hi Y'all) I've been examining why I don't write more. I went through all the usual excuses, like lack of time, too much to do etc. and decided that they were all bumpkin. What is really going on is that I've got no interest in it. So to combat this apathy I'm making it a seasonally themed blog with a new entry every week. There will be patterns, including knitting, crochet, button and lots of other crafty stuff, recipes, poems, stories, in fact anything I can include within the seasonal theme. Starting with winter obviously. So Happy New Year everyone and hope you enjoy this weeks free hat pattern. I've included a free PDF download for this hat on the Beaker Button Designs Ravelry page here . Remember Me Hat ©Jen Best 2014 ...