Beginners Fingerless Mittens

Beginners Fingerless Mittens ©Jen Best 2022 These mittens are worked from side to side. The length is approximately 22cm, but this will depend on your tension. To adjust the length, change the cast on stitches or wet block them longer if they’re too short once they’re made. Soak them in water for an hour then pin them to shape on a mat/ironing board with rust free pins until dry. Once they’re dry they will retain their pinned shape. You can then sew up the sides, leaving a hole for your thumb. The amounts in the chart below are an estimate and may change depending on your tension. I’ve rounded measurements up so you may have yarn left over. You can gather the leftovers and make them into stripy mittens, following the 2 colour stripe stitch pattern below. Yarn W eight Needle size Cast on Stitches Yarn amount 2 colour stripes yarn amount Lace 2mm 70 ...