My Stash Sorted and J

It's been a while I know. I've been updating (well, completely changing) the website so it's easier for my customers to use (once the kinks are ironed out) and easier for me (once I've learnt how to use it!) The whole process has been a very steep learning curve, what with learning HTML code, what the Google spiders pick up on, how to sort the data I'm putting on the site so it's easy and efficient to use. The bricks and mortar shop has had a makeover too. The shelves are now organised by yarn weight so you can see what you're looking for for your pattern much more easily. New shop layout This sorting fever has started to spill over into my personal life. For example I haven't touched my garden in over 2 years. I keep telling myself I'll get out and do something with the great load of weeds, brambles and fruit but each year slipped by without me noticing and the weeds and brambles get bigger and the fruit, well some of that got eaten. This ye...